The Third Day Rings In…

Today was a bit hurried.  Sorry no pictures today, I did take pictures, but in my hurry I forgot to upload them (again).  It has been a strange day, and I feel like I should just channel Luna Lovegood at work, just to get the monkeys off my back (whilst incurring a “random” drug test).

Inspirational Message:  “The best things cannot be seen or even touched, they are felt within the heart.” – Helen Keller

Candle Blessing:  Today we ask blessings for who we are, what we have, and where we live.

Craft of the day:  We continued to work on items we began yesterday.  Two complete ornaments were sewn together, and we were out the door to see Peter Pan, a performance by some George Mason U. students.  The entire auditorium was packed!  I especially liked the part when Wendy kissed Pan on the cheek and every single kid in the place yelled EWWWWW all at once!  I couldn’t stop laughing!  Those students put on a great play, and our family really enjoyed it.  When we came back, My son asked if we could find him a mystical name, and I told him one that I think he would like.  Then we began to make an offering bowl so he could do a pinch of herbs to share with Goddess and the Earth at the end of our Yule.

Story:  First Story of Yule which the kids really found captivating!


On the second day…

We had a great discussion on another symbol of the season, holly and oak.  Ironically, we are studying deciduous forests at the moment, and the kids recognized that we share some of the same biomes as Europe, as oak and holly are found there as well.

Candle Blessing: Today we bless who we are, and what we have.

Story of the day: The Story of the First Yule

Quote of the day: “Successful people don’t worry about what others are doing.”  I managed to get our vocabulary discussion in during this time because only one child knew what successful meant.  We talked about how it was important to sometimes ignore what other people are doing and focus in on what you need to do.  I used the example of our Taekwondo class.  Two of my children have extra help from me at home to work on their form.  But once they get on the do-jo, they begin to copy other students.  If the student they are watching does it wrong, but with confidence, my kids will change their initial motion to copy the other student.  Then I pointed out that usually, their first instinct is always right!  So I have been working really hard to make them think only of what they need to do, and not listen or look at other students.  Only the instructor will correct you if you are wrong!

Craft:  We made ornaments from felt from Fa la la la Felt: 45 Handmade Holiday Decorations
a cute little book with inspirational ornament ideas and patterns.  One child chose to do a dove outline using a running stitch, and completed it by herself!  I am so proud! The second child chose to do a snowflake pattern.  On the backs are their nicknames.  The third child chose to do his craft yesterday (the tugboat), and today spent a great amount of time sitting in the desk chair spinning in circles, generally annoying his sisters.

Background Music:    I really like this song because it is not a deep, serious, chanty, power raising song.  It is an easy, lighthearted song that will get you to hum along with, even while sticking yourself with a needle.

There will be pictures later, I promise, today I forgot to upload them to WordPress. 🙂